Some examples of the NAMBLA smear being used

Be forewarned, before you start clicking, that these links take you straight into some frequently vile discussions which took place in the frequently vile setting of Usenet. If you follow these links, do so with the expectation that you will be offended by what you see. If you find this unacceptable, then just don't look. If we understand each other, then here are some posts in which Rod Swift, Fred Cherry's "homonazi" from Australia, expresses his opposition to NAMBLA and its goals, in some cases going on the attack.

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and here are some posts Fred Cherry wrote, referring to Mr. Swift as being a homonazi supporter of NAMBLA, anyway.

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Here, in fact, is one post where Fred indicates that Swift was the "homonazi" from Australia, mentioned in his lawsuit against Janet Reno. I love the title of that thread!

More to go up as time permits. Much more, I'm afraid. Would you like to return to the previous discussion?

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