If you entered this site through the Fred Cherry Story, then the navbar for your ring should be visible below, but you can return to it via "the webring entry page for this site", where you first came in, if you wish. Seems like a waste of bandwidth and resources to me, running up connect charges and the electricity consumption of some computer and probably killing a few polar bears in the process with all of the global warming this will cause, but if you can live with yourself, go right ahead. No pressure.

If you entered through one of the other copies of the Fred Cherry Story and must, absolutely must return to the ring through the same site, you can do so through the return pages on T15.org or Webring Webspace, whichever works for you. If you entered anywhere else, then you should go to the central ring return page for this site, where you should be able to easily find a link back to your ring.

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Fred Cherry: A Usenet Legend
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