On this site, we're going to get to see Hatred in all of its craziness, and see just how insane it really
is: anti-homosexual hatred or "homophobia", to be exact. Sometimes, this might seem a little funny in a sad
sort of way (eg. The Fred Cherry Story), and sometimes, not funny
at all (eg. the case of Matthew Shepard). In all cases, the message I want you to walk away with is not just
one of the wrongness of hating people over such an issue as who they love, but just of how laughable the
wrongness would be, if people weren't getting hurt by it.
I'll also toss in this rebuttal to some of the more
popular arguments in favor of the legalization of prostitution, an idea that I view with absolute
abhorrence. In the Fred Cherry Story, the first installment on this site, our crazy of choice develops a
conspiracy theory that holds that neo-naziism is one of the dirty little secrets behind any opposition
to the crazy's cause, the abolition of laws enacted against the sex trade. As we shall see, there are
in fact very good, non-Hitler related reasons for opposing such a change.
My thanks go to GRSites and
Freesmileys for some of the graphics you see here.
When you're done reading, you can find your way back to your ring here.